DeCom Subliminal Interactive Advertising                                       .  .  brings a decentralized and democratic economic platform to the real economy!

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Localization verses Globalization    l    Disrupting everything Commerce    l    Price Demand    l    Sellers Will Always Sell for free    l    Global Freelancer Crowd

Local Media    QwickPic           QUIK-Pics
Local Media    Search               Business

Local Media    Global Market    Global Productivity Market
Local Media    Places                Places
Local Media    Locations           Global Productivity Market
Local Media    QwickP2P          QwickP2P
Local Media    Cloudfunds       Cloudfunds

                  Sellers Exchange

Local Media    Local Media      Local Media
      - Media Connection
      - Monitizing

    Marketing Agents

Local Media    New Economy

Local Media    SME Cloudfunding

Local Media    ComTechX

        Cloudfunding to Scale                                           Disrupting finance with free working capital                                Global Digital Markets Vs Markets

QwickPic Ready
Free Advertising and Local Commerce should go hand in hand

Advertising is certainly a phenomenon that triggers the interest in people, but things are shifting, what is changing is the volume of exposure that's needed to get a result,

-  it's been reported that in days gone bye, it took only 3 ad displays to get the message across, today it takes 100 ad displays for the same result  -  now imagine the future.

For a business needing to pay for the increasing volume of displays means that the audience will either drown in ads or the business will go out of business due to the increased cost.

Changing the mechanics of how advertising operates in the global commerce is overdue, it has to generate demand without drowning the audience, especially now that the small screen mobile era has arrived, a better model is needed.

It does mean that disruption has to come at the point in commerce where the Internet noise is drowning any reasonable chance for Sellers to get sales results

-  it's been easy to show statistics to prove that targeting works but it's better to prove it works by getting sales.

For advertising to work at scale it needs a new direction

Cloudfunding is free for Sellers to take advantage of to gain full selling prices from their inventory and to get that inventory distribution out to the online users without interrupting them, it needed a new approach.

Subliminal Organically Decentralized Advertising - SODA operates in the background on mobiles and desktops displaying QwickPic ads while earning a continual share of the Free Economic Value, the free working capital that's freely made available to users across the internet.

Unlike paid Digital Advertising where a grey area over-shadows how ads get shown  -  SODA distributes QwickPic ads in the background using economies of scale to reach devices that have SODA activated.

it means that as long as SODA is activated each device owner is collecting FEV to use ( automatically ) in strategies as OMM market makers to buy products and services for themselves or to make a business without handling customers or stock.

Any disruption should have major advantages

SODA with free advertising disrupts the status-quo by skipping over Paid Advertising and the Internet noise, and goes directly from a Seller listing products straight to getting guaranteed sales at full prices, and giving buyers the buying power to pay a fraction of the full selling prices, all on the one platform.

Publishers and Marketing Agents are not left out of the disruption, they gain new revenue streams from new monetization models.

The Platform enables any 'media' to be paid on performance using Free Advertising

The medium receives 2.5% of the full Selling Price for each unit sold during a campaign.

Advertising is a natural resource that can be quantified

Advertising is a natural resource that is limitless, it can be created by word of mouth, billboards, media, all types of medium

-  this natural resource is now able to be collected as Free Economic Value and put to work as free working capital, it's not constrained by institutions or the wealth of people or their locations.

-  it's the polar opposite to how technology is using Paid Advertising to support business models of companies that rely on click fodder to survive.

Marketing is reinvented to fit the Digital Era

The Localization verses Globalization changes how the digital world monetizes the Digital Era  

-  by reinventing the monetization model for all the players, including media and marketing agent, it takes away the centralized and monopolistic trend, providing a more open democratic model that's fully based on actual results in sales.

It makes advertising free, by reinventing it as Free Economic Value, which Buyers and Sellers can earn Cloudfunds for free and use it as free working capital, it breaks free of the CTR ( click thru rate ) and in-view rate formats and delivers Sellers guaranteed sales by combining marketing and commerce in the one action  -  bringing Outsourced Selling and serendipity together.

Digital advertising is a service that vast amounts of money are being spent on to obtain no true accountable result  

-  the Platform has taken the 'service' and reinvented its commercial value into a currency with intrinsic value, the asset value is Free Economic Value and the activity to use the value is Cloudfunding

Cloudfunding is directed towards an unlimited resource rather than extract value out of Commerce.

New marketing dynamics

The advertising cost to sell products and services is usually a percentage of the full selling price of items  

-  what Localization verses Globalization does is allocate the 'advertising cost' to the full selling price but instead of the Seller paying for advertising, the full price is allocated and earned for free by Buyers as Free Economic Value, termed as Cloudfunds.

-  once the product is won in the Outsourced Selling process, the Cloudfunds 'spent' are equally redistributed back to participating users and available to use in strategies again to bid and buy.

-  part of the redistributed Cloudfunds are validated as Universally Decentralized Capital in proportion with the amount paid with Price Demand.

Cloudfunding has taken advertising as a service which flows around the Internet, and reinvented it into a 'product of value'  -  a value that's validated as the Universally Decentralized Capital currency with an intrinsic value to spend in Online Commerce.

Now instead of value flowing out of local economies to central 'services' with local commerce players paying for advertising, that cost is now remaining in local commerce to generate more productivity and better economies.

A Scalable Global Economy gives Sellers advertising for free!

The Platform changes the current model, still by using visual displays with QwickPics to show what's being offered  -  but then gives the service to Sellers for free, followed by an important part of commerce  -  guaranteeing sales for the Sellers,

-  technology has now solved the last step in commerce, by getting a sale for every item being offered by a Seller.

-  low buying prices will always sell, what Price Demand does is offer low buying prices while giving Sellers their full prices.

Sellers now have a Digital Sales Division

Having a separate Sales section of a business has always been a mixture of looking for ways to get sales, either using advertising or discounting to attract buyers  -  the Digital Sales Division brings all that together so that the advertising is free and there are no discounts, just sales.

Cloudfunding developed QwickPic for sellers to display to the world, then added intertwined services to generate demand, created ecosystems where a 'serendipitous moment' is still there to make a sale, then distribute income streams for Sellers, Agents and Buyers  -  all for free.

Cloudfunding provides the platform where a Buyer is given the full option to select what they wanted to do and use, with the knowledge that their actions remain private.

QwickPic is the service where both Sellers and Buyers find most of the tools they need

-  Sellers can list any number of products and services to sell at full prices, without any costs  -  see how QwickPic starts selling

-  Buyers can participate as one of the Global Crowd or simply as a Buyer finding that 'serendipitous moment' with a great deal.

Sellers can be from any country, and anywhere along the Supply Chain, and still take advantage of selling without costs.

Old Media isn't forgotten

Website Owners, Publishers and Agents are not forgotten, QwickPic display panels can also be shown on websites that get traffic to click through to Deals.

Traditional forms of entertainment that relies on paid advertising is still able to be part of the scalable Digital Economy, with the likes of Interactive Advertising to engage with viewers with Free Advertising.

Cloudfunding reverses advertising and pays Buyers to view ads!

Don't shoot the messenger!

Advertising will become a commodity and even fund major projects in the future!

Check out a Deal Registration and Cloudfund Strategy

See a Snap-Shot view of a Cloudfund strategy and bidding for Deals

Cloudfunding generates Price Demand  -  digitizes 'cash' to flow ubiquitously around the world

What's The Monetizing Moment?

Cloud Commerce operates by Outsourcing the Selling to the Crowd by Cloudfunding

How Sellers Outsource their Selling to the Crowd?


QwickP2P   'Pay it Forward, Now!' completes the sales activity for sellers!

As UDC is validated and exchanged in the Digital Economy it permeates out into local economies!

see the connection of players that help achieve 'Productivity' :   Global Cloud Productivity

Wherever your Location is - you are not alone!

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