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Before starting, a few pointers in how to set up a Bid Strategy.

In all QwickBid Deals the idea is to set a strategy by placing up to the maximum FEV Tokens*, in any order, in the 5 Stage Call boxes.

Each Deal lists what the Token value will be for that Deal.

Tokens are a unit value
-  adding Tokens in one or all boxes adds value to the Running Total when Tokens are 'spent'.

Strategy is to use zero up to the maximum Tokens permitted for the Deal.

The maximum Tokens that can be added is 75% of the Deal's QwickBid Price  -  the remaining 25% is for Bids if needed.

The QwickBid Deal's Full List Price* is the maximum Buying Price a final Buyer will pay with Price Demand.

QwickFlip and QwickBid operate automatically  -  whenever Tokens are 'spent' in a Call, a Bid is automatically added from a Bidder's QwickP2P account.

Start the Deal Tour

Hide All                        Call Strategy                        Lead Up Time Strategy                        Lead Up Strategy - Multi Home Deals
Product Stage Call Opening Call          l First Call            l Second Call         l Third Call            l Final Call
Realty 01:10:25 1 $2.00  $2.00    $0.00  $1.50    $0.00  $0.90    $0.00  $0.50    $0.00  $0.10 
Time Lapse 70 25   $50.00  10   $20.00  15   $30.00  10   $20.00  15   $30.00 
$1,000.00 25   10   15   10   15  
$152.00 Total # of  $2.00  FEV Tokens allocated in your strategy is : 75 / 75 Cloudfunds Confirm
$200.00 This Building Block Deal has a maximum QwickBid Price of $200.00  =  20% of the full selling price
FEV Token strategy changes can be made up to the Opening Call
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Building Block Deals are set with a range of values to help buy big ticket items
Building Block Deals are specifically to help buy big ticket products or services.
This bidding process is to monetize the Building Block Deals - giving bidders the way to share in the final payment made with Price Demand.
Price Demand's aggregate demand is distributed back to participating users of each deal - the winning bidder wins a bonus % of their winning bid.
Real Estate - New Home Realty Demand Deal: LAC-H89FHW-934NMEE-UJW
Opening Call Start:    01 Jan 2020   l   12:00:00 PM Lead Up Time Check In
New Home $2.00 Registration Bid
01 : 10 : 25 Time lapsed
Waiting Opening Call
Options :  
Deal Is Live
1   $2.00            
75 0 $0.00            
Strategy Total:    $152.00
No Bid
  Your Location
  Building Block Deal : $1,000.00 * $1,000.00
  Deal Quantity : 1  
  QwickBid Deal : $200.00 * Maximum Deal Price *
  Cloudfunds / FEV: * $150.00 * Max 75% ( of Deal Price )
  Condition :    
New Home New Home New Home   Product Code : #
  Being sold by :  
  Location for Pickup : Your Location
  Payment Method : Quik-Fill logoQwickP2P
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* The QwickBid Prices are the low 20% prices set by OMMs that the final buyers try to reach as the Buying Prices cascade down.
-  this 20% Bidding Price includes the maximum Cloudfunds that can be allocated and 'spent' during the bidding for any Deal.

When a QwickBid Deal is won, the winning Bidder receives their winning Bid and an additional 60% bonus all in UDC.

Once the monetization is completed, the Deal is released at the full Selling Prices for Buyers to compete for with Price Demand
 -  this means the first Buyer to accept a Buying Price as it cascades down towards the winning Bid price, wins the Deal.

The final Buying Price paid is the aggregate demand payments that get distributed to the Bidders who helped the monetization.
Building Block Deals are collected and added to a Buyer's Buying Price when trying to win a deal with Price Demand.
Building Block Deals



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