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AutosAutos  l  Transport  l  Freight

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              - Australia AUS  -  Trends
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              - Canada CAN  -  Trends

AutosTaxi Anyone!
              - Philippines PHL
              - Singapore SNG
              - Malaysia MAL
              - Brazil BRA

"Do you want delivery with that?"

Delivery of any sort of product like clothing, furniture, meals, alcohol, etc is a service that the platform offers sellers with listed inventories  -  most delivery distances are usually within a range that a fast and efficient service can be applied, such as for meal deliveries  -  making flexible delivery easy for the sellers to implement local delivery services without the heavy costs ( loses ) using global options.

Restaurants can build out a Delivery Service and avoid the huge predatory fees charged by the "Delivery Apps".

-  as an example,

-  a $10 Delivery Deal could be offered by restaurants or cafes to a group of delivery persons for the round trip delivery

-  deals at various $10 / 25 price ranges are generated and monetized by the platform before being offered to active sellers

-  sellers take into account the distance for delivery ( the local delivery services determine if the price is profitable )

-  sellers bid for deals with Price Demand in the hours or days before they are needed ( deals are stored ready for later release )

-  real time competition between global, national and local sellers in buying the deals with Price Demand, creates the market demand

-  aggregate demand prices accepted by delivery services determine the 'fair' value

-  notifications are sent out by the seller to the registered local delivery services on the network with each deal price and location

-  each deal is offered to the local network of delivery persons or groups in a marketplace where they can accept the job, or not

-  whatever price paid by the seller, the full Delivery Deal Price is received by the delivery person once the service is completed

-  the delivery person gains control of what they want as an acceptable fee for service ( local knowledge on distance and time etc )

-  restaurants gain with automated selling of their meal menus at the full selling prices etc, without discounting

-  customers get a great deal by having Price Demand to compete for the meals, in the time and at the prices they want to pay

-  sellers can release quantities of meals at intervals to suit their workload, and still give customers the option of time and price

-  delivery services automatically receive payment once the customer accepts the delivery via a Collection Code by mobile

Entrepreneurs, start your own business!

Anyone can start a delivery service catering to the local sellers.

Local Delivery Services
Deeper mechanics of Cloudfunding

Decentralized Local Economic Markets  -  are designed to scale productivity

While the financial markets are built around using money as the central product and value, which's loaned out to borrowers, who pay interest during the time of its use, its basic aim is supposed to be productive by helping to build economic wealth for its borrowers, the trickle-down thinking, and provide profit to the lenders.

Although money is created out of thin air just for the purpose of lending, there's still a risk that there's no productive outcome from its use, or there's a failure to repay, so lenders have basically preferred to gain by speculating on asset prices where they can artificially control prices, instead of generating productivity.

The economic markets of the Decentralized Local Economic Markets - DeCom Markets are differently structured to specifically be productive, using the economic value tapped from local inventories where it sits with a true intrinsic value  -  and constantly tied and governed by the volume of productivity ( in products and services sales ) being produced across all local economies  -  DeCom Markets operate specifically between Supply and Demand, where the true productive activity occurs with the exchange of payment ( economic value ) between buyers and sellers  -  this is referred to as 'swimming between the flags', which means that the UDC value can continuously be exchanged between Supply and Demand, without fees, between the global users, without needing any incumbent payment provider or lender.

Productivity is the main mechanism by which local economies gain economic wealth through the trading of products and services from the supply side to the demand side of markets  -  which's where DeCom Markets disrupt the status quo by shifting productivity from being the last ( hopeful ) step of the financial system's labyrinth of rentier services, to the leading catalyst, that directly drives economic wealth and growth into local economies through debt free stimulus, which can be sustained as long as there's supply looking for demand through outsourced selling of inventories, and cascading buying prices.

The economic value of inventories in local economies is a resource with an intrinsic value that's trackable on a global scale  -  it's unique in that it can't be manipulated in value ( as in increasing asset prices ), and can be distributed as free working capital across the real local economies around the world  -  where with deep tracking technology, can capture the aggregate demand of global productivity, and through a recycling mechanism, validate the free working capital into a neutral universally distributed capital  -  that can then be liquidated into any global currency at the local business level, in typical daily sales, without interest or costs.

a faster road to recovery
Cloudfunding has a Supply and Demand dynamic with a difference

When there's competition between sellers, the first thing they do is discount - it's one of the most destructive actions that can be done to not only the business but also to the local economy  -  although it's supposed to be the actions of the free market, that boat left long ago.

Cloudfunding finds a balance between the two, the Supply side with the seller, and the Demand side with the buyer, by separating the two markets so on the Supply side there's full profitability gained when the seller inventories are monetized by the global market makers  -  and there's still plenty of free market competition when the sellers list their inventory and try to attract the market makers to help monetize quicker than other sellers  -  it's not just the type of inventory but what the seller represents, like do they source products in an ethical way, it could be customer service or the way they treat their workers, all sorts of issues can influence a market marker's decision  -  on the Demand side there's plenty of competition between buyers with the cascading buying prices, which overall gives buyers greater buying power, and therefore increases the velocity productivity and the economic gains it can bring.

When both sellers are profitable, and buyers gain more affordability, it provides the stimulus needed to have a constant flow of productivity to gain local tax revenues faster and reduce the burden that will push the limits on societies around the world for the next few years  -  with Cloudfunding it offers buyers and sellers to individually 'isolate' themselves in a much more pro-active environment were everyone collaborates to keep the stimulus moving.

Paradigm shift in the Globalization model

Globalization has been around for centuries but it can now stop and change its approach to solving more than the bottom line.

Digital technology can close the gap between 'those workers', by first changing their status to 'people', who like other people around the world are connected by mobile phones  -  this dramatic shift allows people in developing countries, who have needed to rely on work in industries such as the fashion industry, to being able to directly connect with global commerce.

Cloudfunding provides the working capital to everyone so they can access global markets as market makers along with the rest of the global crowd  -  having a simple and democratic way that each user can collect free working capital.

This shift means that the manufacturing industries like fashion and textile, the backbone of incomes to millions of people in richer countries, can now refocus on bringing manufacturing ( even if much of it is now robotic ) back onshore to give meaningful work to the generations that have little chance of having a basic job  -  while giving low wage workers and non-workers in developing countries a way of earning incomes on a global scale that feeds back into their own local economies.

Local now has economies of scale to go Global

The days where local designers and brands needed to manufacture overseas for cheap Labour Market, has in the last few years moved to fast fashion where some brands can still use cheap Labour Market but have shortened the time-gap from design to store in as little as a couple of weeks, even a week  -  Cloudfunding flips that and adds the advantage of real time trading terms, no more 30/90 days.

Local manufacturing and retailing is now able to take advantage of economies of scale with Cloudfunding  -  it operates separately to financial markets that are seen as aloof and manipulative marketers that take advantage of the real economy where the true productivity occurs, and this is where Cloudfunding takes a different path in a direction that connects with the real backbone of local economies, through new capital flows with Main Street SMEs  -  it's no longer a matter of big volumes and buying power getting a competitive advantage over small enterprises  -  the level playing field is now a reality!

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