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                     PriceDemand.Online                                                  Economy 2 Economy
These are unprecedented times  -  needing unprecedented demand!
Local Demand
Local Demand
SMEs have never been structured as an economic force before
.  .  never had a true 'level playing field'!
In a post COVID-19 world, SMEs will need a new business model!
Commerce and Technology are merging as an industry!
.  .  merging Main St and Online SMEs on an economic platform!
.  .  in a global ecosystem interconnecting the real local economies!
Blue Dot     .  .  it disrupts big tech's targeted advertising and surveillance by giving users unprecedented control! Blue Dot     .  .  it challenges the one-trick pony 'paid digital advertising' and 'predatory pricing' models used by big tech!  
Users are no longer . . 'the product'!
.  .  advertising is reinvented as a more productive function in commerce  .  .  as free economic value!
Social Demand
.  .  it gives Boomers to Gen Z their chance to demand how capital is generated, earned and owned!
ComTechX brings Cloudfunding to Main St
.  .  reshapes markets for the real economy!
    so how does it work?      
Cloudfunding re-invents advertising so it sells inventory, not users
Subliminal Organically Decentralized Advertising  -  SODA
.  .  it reverse-engineers advertising by tapping the economic value sitting idle in SME inventories!
Cloudfunding isn't into advertising but uses its distribution mechanics in a new economic model!
Blue Dot     .  .  it taps, and subliminally distributes that economic value as new capital, as free economic value  .  .  to use as free working capital! Blue Dot     .  .  it monetizes Main Street's inventories into new capital in a decentralized economic infrastructure platform  -  a missing part of the Internet!  
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SMEs have the 'capital', the local connections, and now the infrastructure to drive productivity!
Blue Dot     .  .  it provides a new channel to link local news to local productivity  -  gaining new revenue via a global reach that's denied by current tech! Blue Dot     .  .  it gives local sellers and entrepreneurs a platform where they can use their content to monetize their own enterprise, and, Main Street's inventories!  
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.  .  it changes the direction that capital can flow into local economies to stimulate local productivity!
Balance Of Payments
Blue Dot     .  .  it sits above all the B2B, B2C and D2C marketplaces with a neutral international unit of account that interconnects with sovereign and crypto currencies. Blue Dot     .  .  it operates in an autonomous domain between Supply and Demand, where sellers can freely list inventories and sell products and services to incentivized consumers, without incumbent costs.  
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Supply and Demand can now operate at a granular level for SMEs, in real time!
Blue Dot     .  .  it changes the mechanics of commerce by identifying and validating the economic value in local economies by constantly evaluating it against real productivity, unlike the creation of money ( debt ) in bank lending. Blue Dot     .  .  it gives SMEs an environment where the capital tied to their inventory's products and services, is able to be exchanged between buyers and sellers at a granular level, within a real time peer to peer exchange of Ownership across local economies.  
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Cloudfunding Economic Model
Cloudfunding guarantees sellers full selling prices, while giving buyers cascading buying prices!
Blue Dot     .  .  it gives SMEs a platform that allows them to have a competitive advantage over big competitors like Amazon and big box stores! Blue Dot     .  .  it brings a level playing field to commerce where big and small businesses play with the same tools, allowing customer satisfaction to be the prime focus!  
A new equilibrium is achievable with profitability for businesses, and affordability for consumers!
SMEs are 'the new banks' in local economies!
Blue Dot     .  .  it gives SMEs greater cash flows and liquidity through incentivizing demand directly into local consumer spending. Blue Dot     .  .  it brings a broader focus on local productivity that can drive sustainable linear growth to local regions, cities and towns.  
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Blue Dot     .  .  it gives SMEs the way to avoid paying the hefty merchant fees on credit cards and buy now, pay later payment options. Blue Dot     .  .  it gives SMEs the incentive to offer consumers a genuine way of avoiding debt, while finding the real price discovery for inventory with Price Demand.  
SMEs from all industries can collaborate to gain economies of scale!
Cloudfunding gives buyers a new experience
.  .  with PIFN!
Pay It Forward, Now!
.  .  giving buyers the advantage of cascading buying prices!
Blue Dot     .  .  it gives SMEs the benefits of cash sales, without the costly payment services Blue Dot     .  . it gives buyers the chance to buy products and services at prices they want to pay  -  with cascading buying prices  
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there are no merchant fees, listing fees, currency spreads or commissions, or any buyer payment fees or charges
Cloudfunding changes the way local Commerce works
in 3 steps
Step 1 Step 2 Step 3
outsourced selling global crowd price demand
Globalization outsourced manufacturing  -  Localization now has outsourced selling
Local productivity is now indexed to help track and stimulate activity in local economies
Step 1
Cloudfunding automates selling
    Seller Inventories
Blue Dot     .  .  sellers just list their inventories and an outsourced selling process monetizes each unit at the full selling prices, ready for buyers
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Blue Dot     .  .  all the usual functions needed for selling, like marketing, are automatically included in the processing during the monetization moment
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Blue Dot     .  .  sellers release their inventory at the pace they want to sell to their local buyers via notifications that automatically get sent out to interested users
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Blue Dot     .  .  the platform has an economic infrastructure that monetizes and guarantees full selling prices  -  which are held in escrow until a buyer triggers the payment release to the seller
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Blue Dot     .  .  sellers have a free Digital Sales Division to set up their Online business presence  -  it gives sellers ways to be proactive in helping to monetize their own inventories
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there are no merchant fees, listing fees, currency spreads or commissions, or any buyer payment fees or charges
Sellers gain from predictable sales and full selling prices
Step 2
Users now have a global voice
Market Makers      
Blue Dot     .  .  users around the world can become OMMs  -  Open Market Makers and help local economies to be more productive  -  while at the same time build a business without needing to handle stock or customers  
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Blue Dot     .  .  every user can collect Free Economic Value and use it as free working capital in bidding to win deals early during the monetization process  
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Blue Dot     .  .  FEV is the micro-values of seller inventories from local economies around the world  -  these values are randomly distributed as subliminal advertising at a scale greater than digital advertising, the main revenue for most tech entities  
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Blue Dot     .  .  users can collect FEV and be proactive in their local economy, or around the world in other local economies helping to monetize local inventories  
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Blue Dot     .  .  users can compete with global users to try and win deals early from their local sellers  -  any winning local buyer can chose to take the deal or release it to other local buyers who compete using Price Demand  
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Blue Dot     .  .  anyone can collect and use FEV as working capital to help build a casual or full time business  -  to monetize inventories around the world, and, earn Universally Decentralized Capital to send and spend  
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a new global market maker network is decentralizing the financial system's market maker realm
.  .  there's no reason why trade of all types can't be decentralized from the traditional closed systems that move products and services through markets
OMM - Open Market Maker Free Economic Value
Step 3
Buyers activate Price Demand
Shopping with Price Demand
Blue Dot     .  .  In-store or Online, buyers get notified of products and services  -  interested buyers need funds in their account to activate Price Demand
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Blue Dot     .  .  any buyer can Activate a deal and compete with other interested buyers as the buying prices cascade down to 20% of the full selling prices
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Mobile Buys
Buyers just buy at prices they want to pay!
.  .  it brings Black Friday deals local, 24/7 - 365 days
Local Commerce
.  .  without sellers discounting and giving profits away!
Blue Dot     .  .  it fills the void, left by the financial system, by applying a direct local productivity-based system that liquidates SME inventories into real demand and real sales in the real economy Blue Dot     .  .  it opens up a new era in economy to economy commerce  -  e2eCommerce  -  it changes the way capital flows can now be controlled, held and owned by the people, with the benefits flowing into local economies  
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SMEs operate across economies with P2P capital Ownership, directly tied to their productivity
QwickPay Cash Payments
SMEs have the capital, the local connections, and now the infrastructure to drive productivity
Accommodation Price Demand Events        
Hotels and motels have had little choice
when it comes to getting guests in the
door via the internet  -  Price Demand
now gives hosts a profitable option.
Restaurants, Cafes and Take-aways
can list menu deals in volume, with delivery service  -  deals quantities can
be released to suit business workloads.
Event organizers can list ticket volumes
at full prices and let the market discover
the buying prices  -  quantities can be
released to different demographics.
Compare - Activate - Buy
QwickFill QwickPic QwickCup        
SMEs don't pay to go Online!
.  .  it's free for sellers to list and sell their inventories at the full selling prices!
.  .  and it's not only sales that sellers can gain from, there's the operating costs!
we all need a roof over our heads!
Residential and Commercial!
  It's all the same, whether it's a mortgage payment or rent, it's a commitment that families and businesses around the world need to keep, to hold things together, so they can have a roof over their heads.

That action is able to be quantified and generated as a service that's monetized into real estate deals to service the demand of rental and mortgage payments, which's a universal issue, and now more important than ever!

Now house and commercial renters and mortgagors can compete to buy deals that are continually generated and monetized at a full range of values, with the minimum 10% buying price ( that's 90% below the full selling prices ) to help achieve lower prices for household budgets and business overheads.

Users still need to compete for deals with Price Demand, and judge what they pay and can afford, without having to pay the deal's full prices  -  the range of deals are from $25 to $1,000, whichever values are relevant for the user, or buy a combination of deals.

Cloudfunding is structured to monetize mortgage and rent payments, and 'Building Blocks' to help buy a home or commercial premise  -  Cloudfunding takes advantage of algorithms and deep data tracking of the global aggregate demand payments of products and services to monetize 'overhead' deals for households and entrepreneurs.
Real Estate        
  Real Estate Affordability
.  .  it offers users a way to be proactive and own economic equity in local economies, world wide!
Blue Dot     .  .  it gives SMEs a direct funding channel through DFDC, to use to expand and generate local jobs and economic growth  -  every SME can now be judged by global users on how they handle things like carbon emissions, local wages etc, generally pushing businesses to hold ethical values Blue Dot     .  .  it changes from the way funding is directed at sharemarket listed companies through shares and markets  -  instead a decentralized global network of users independently direct foreign digital capital into local economies, even directed specifically into certain industries and businesses  
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Cloudfunding changes the landscape for SMEs
The simplicity of doing business Online is an important goal in getting SMEs to adopt an Online presence.

It shouldn't be the long road of having a website with in-depth payment systems, or giving away profits by paying fees and commissions to marketplaces  -  it should be simply, SMEs list the items to sell at full selling prices with descriptions, and be ready to field any customer questions, then hand over the product or service to customers in exchange for full payment.

Take the local bookshops that have had to fight to survive when predatory pricing was introduced by an Online gorilla  -  the pendulum is now swinging back to give industries like local booksellers the way to prosper, and still have a foot in both worlds, regardless of the business size, and have the competitive advantage over the early Online movers.

The products and services remain with the SME at all times, so that nothing really changes, and customer service can be a high priority without any heavy sell  -  there's no advertising, search settings or payment services to think about, just the customer service and handing over or delivery  -  there're no fees or commissions from start to finish  -  Cloudfunding isn't a marketplace per-se but an economic infrastructure that operates in the background absorbing all the typical rentier service costs that have been attached to commerce.

It's now about Automated Selling with the full selling prices paid for before there's a local buyer, and this leaves the buying side to be about giving buyers the means of finding the true demand value of what customers are willing to pay  -  selling can be as diverse as low to high price products and services, single or bulk selling, subscriptions etc  -  an important factor in Cloudfunding is that seller discounting that's mostly used to stay in business, is not a dynamic used in the system, which ultimately saves the local economies.

Listing inventory can be as a single item or in bulk, there's no discounting or special deals that need to included, it's just the full selling prices and the Outsourced Selling is done in some cases within hours or overnight depending on the demand  -  the monetization itself only takes 15 minutes, with the full selling prices locked in escrow ready to release.

Once the monetization is completed sellers can release the deals or have them automatically released to the seller's ready and waiting buyers, who can pre-list their interest in wanting certain products or services  -  notifications get sent out to buyers in the trading zones sellers want to service, and as notifications are received it's up to the buyers to Activate the deal.

But as one interested buyer clicks the Activate button, and the buying prices start falling ( sometimes over one minute or longer for more expensive items ) other interested buyers will be able to see the price dropping, and they too can also Buy at a price they want to pay  -  at this point it can become very interesting when sellers have volumes of the same items, because as one item gets purchased by a buyer, the other units roll through in order or across multiple lines, so the buying can be very rapid  -  it also means sellers may need to streamline their supply chains to keep up with demand.

When it comes to payments, it's just like cash sales with customers paying over the counter  -  sellers liquidate their sales with customers wanting to add funds ( Pay It Forward, Now! ) into their accounts so they can be ready in advance to buy deals  -  the seller takes advantage of faster cashflows moving through their cash registers, in real time, rather than waiting for credit card payments to come through.
how low will you go?


see how low prices can go!
The real economy has undoubtedly been decoupled over the years from the financial system, when it comes to equality and sharing growth,
this has left societies to fend for themselves when it comes to generating productivity and economic wealth across local economies.

With a new autonomous economic system that has global economies of scale to harness the digitally connected world, things can change!

Cloudfunding is a market driven economy that's able to take up allocated resources ( products & services ) and be able to sell it ( monetize ) today,
with confidence that someone will buy it ( incentivized by Price Demand ) in the future, so giving sellers confidence to invest in inventory and jobs
-  and therefore giving workers the confidence of having jobs in the future, and the confidence to spend today!
Cloudfunding - New Economic Flows

SMEs lead the stimulus with their inventories

Direct economic stimulus - DES, is true equity capital, not credit debt, and it's drawn from the aggregate demand of genuine products and services sold around the world that is distributed to the global market maker network that drives the supply side of the local markets to achieve real Productivity.

UDI Portfolio .  .  it brings a new collaboration and customer loyalty for SMEs Queen Bee
.  .  it brings a new equilibrium between SMEs and Consumers
.  .  it stimulates consumer spending across all local economies
.  .  it brings CloudfundMe and new cash flow options for SMEs
.  .  it shares economic growth in universally distributed incomes
Instead of being company shareholders, users are economic equity holders in local economies
SME Funding

    so who can use it?      
cities, suburbs, towns, shopping precincts, malls, franchises, seller groups, seller co-ops, can now collaborate across local economic hubs
Any number of local economies can be listed  -  as productivity spreads across local economies the number of Locations is expanded
Expression of interest has been opened up for SMEs, seller groups, shopping precincts and co-ops etc in the Queen Bee loyalty program.
    Want to know how to build a FOMEZ? Know More    
buyers who can join together in buyer co-ops, families or individuals  -  everyone can benefit from cascading buying prices
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    so how can I benefit? .  .  more    
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