DeCom  PriceDemand.Online                                             Cloudfund SMEs
Local commerce has never had a choice but to use incumbent services!
Cloudfunding Mechanics
Infinite Loop
Costs to sell products and services outside of Cloudfunding reduces what should be profits!
Cost for SMEs doing business should be minimal considering the economic value they hold!
It's now free for any size business to get sales Online  -  without the costly marketing hype!

   Local SMEs now have a
   competitive advantage!


      All businesses need reliable sales and real time cashflows, and local demand is essential!

     Join the new frontier of stakeholders taking over the economic equity in local economies!
"All SMEs can have real local demand, with a competitive advantage!"

If sellers had the chance to automate the selling of their inventories at guaranteed full selling prices  -  and what if
buyers were able to buy as prices cascade down to 20% of the full selling prices  .  .  is that competitive enough?
.  .  a domain where new capital flows are validated by the aggregated demand of real productivity!
.  .  where capital flows are governed and maintained as a stable and neutral means of exchange!
  Rules in Commerce are not set in stone  
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Shopping Online
Sales is the prime objective of all sellers!

Having consistent sales with secure real time payments means reliable cashflows

Local Demand uses Cloudfunding to disrupt the status quo by outsourcing the
selling of local seller inventories, giving SMEs a competitive advantage.

We all get confused with all the digital marketing stuff  -  it's foreign to many SMEs,
and it's always going to be unaccountable, even with targeted advertising.

Cloudfunding changes how it works by distributing the economic value of products
and services subliminally to a new global market maker network  -  that economic
value is used in a game theory bidding process to monetize the local inventories.

Monetizing inventory before consumers get to buy, changes the mechanics around
commerce where local economies gain from greater inflows of capital that spreads
across communities.

Local demand is stimulated without creating debt!

For decades the consumer has been targeted with credit to buy now and pay later,
but it needed a crisis to highlight just how dependent society has come to rely on it.

Local economies only flourish if the velocity of money ( exchange of value between
buyers and sellers ) is circulated quickly around the community.

What happens in Cloudfunding is it 'cuts to the chase' by directly monetizing the
inventories  -  but then increases demand ( the velocity ) by allowing buyers to pay
what they can afford, rather than what the sellers expect the buyers to pay.

Cloudfunding has Pay It Forward Now! - PIFN!, where users get to add funds to
their account, while at the same time sellers get their sales liquidated, in real time.

It's a win win where sellers get to have their inventories liquidated at the full selling
prices and consumers get to access Price Demand and cascading buying prices.
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  SMEs are now part of a global alliance of local economies
Chamber of Economies SMEs have a new business model!

Commerce has traditionally run on the financial system's rails but technology has
advanced so much so that a more direct system can now operate independently
between an alliance of local economies using the economic value of inventories.

Instead of using credit created by the financial system, SMEs can use their own
inventories' idle capacity to monetize sales  -  this makes SMEs the new defacto
local banks where they gain trust of users when they liquidate sales with users
to keep the velocity of local economic value flowing around communities.

Local Demand has an economic infrastructure that independently stimulates
productivity down at the Main Street level through the power of a global crowd.

It's a new era in merging commerce with technology at a deep reaching level,
where a new domain around Supply and Demand operates independently and
autonomously exchanging products and services.

Technology finally ties real productivity with a universally accountable value in
real time across local economies  -  reducing the reliance on credit, and instead,
generates real economic growth in the real economy with real productivity.

Cloudfunding gives Main Street the tech-smarts to level the playing field!
  Advertising is reinvented to ignite a free bottom-up economic stimulus
  It monetizes SME inventories through subliminal advertising Seller inventory
The role that online users have played for so long, as 'the product', is flipped
around so users are now 'the benefactors' of free economic value that flows
through subliminal advertising  -  and used as free working capital.
  No fees, it's all free!
Instead of paying fees to have a business front to sell inventory, then still pay
to get the customers  -  Local Demand does it all, for free!
  How's that possible?
Local Demand is part of an economic platform that sits above all the B2B, B2C
and D2C marketplaces  -  with deep-tracking mechanics to stimulate commerce between Supply and Demand using the internet's global crowd
  It opposes big techs use of surveillance
There's no surveillance tracking or targeted advertising like big tech uses for
their main income source  -  the platform has an economic structure that gains
the operating revenue to support the free services offered to buyers and sellers.
  How far does it 'reach'?
It starts with sellers listing their inventory at the full selling prices, and then a
process takes over automating the selling, all the way to sellers handing over
the products or services  -  even the full payment process is included.
  The 'Cloudfunding' economic infrastructure
ComTechX is the industry with the Cloudfunding infrastructure that automates
selling but still brings 'serendipity' to the market with Price Demand  -  where it
gives buyers the chance to compete to buy while buying prices cascade down.
What is Cloudfunding solving?
Bottleneck in local economies The Inequality around the distribution of wealth in many of the world's
economies is increasing  -  and that will escalate as businesses are
forced to discount to gain the limited customers looking for lower prices.

The dilemma is increased when lower profits reduce investment in plant
and jobs, looping back to increased savings, slower consumer spending
and lower tax revenues, the ingredients for deflation  -  or inflation with
a lower currency value making goods and services cost more.

Cloudfunding shifts commerce's mechanics to place Productivity as the
leading catalyst to generate activity between Supply and Demand via
direct foreign capital flows, instead of selling credit and debt.

Deleveraging local economies

It deleverages communities by utilizing local economic value instead of
relying on credit to stimulate spending  -  it monetizes the supply side
using the aggregate demand of newly completed productivity.

Markets are redesigned between Supply and Demand with more focus
on accountability that's directly tied to the intrinsic economic value of
real productivity  -  it's set to a productive standard, which constantly
governs, validates and monetizes the next flow of inventories.

By directing aggregate demand to monetize new inventories, it avoids
losses in local economies when sellers collectively discount.

Cloudfunding maximizes seller profitability with Outsourced Selling,
and maximizes affordability with Price Demand's cascading prices.
Cloudfunding solves the debasement of sovereign currencies by shifting productivity to be the leading catalyst
.  .  where it can govern and maintain a stable and neutral universal unit of account and means of exchange!
Our changing world will no longer be about who controls the money but who controls productivity!
Competitive Advantage
Economic Layout
Decentralized distribution turns the tide on trickle down economics
Economic Distribution The real economy is where local economies operate with communities trading
back and forth, it's the grassroots of every economy.

Cloudfunding operates at the local level where the local inventories sit with an
economic value waiting to be exchanged  -  getting the demand and how
quickly those sales takes place is critical in how an economy is going.

Trickle down simply means there's a stimulus of money dropped at the top of
the pyramid
, and ever so slowly a trickle will possible reach the real economy.

Cloudfunding identifies and validates the full value of inventory ready to sell
and directly monetizes it using a decentralized network of global users in a
bottom up flow of capital backed by real productive output.

The volume of inventories sitting waiting to be sold far exceeds the volume of
money that banks create for SMEs  -  by using local inventories with its
genuine store of value, it can be constantly governed while it's directly
exchanged at the local grassroots level as new capital flows.

Cloudfunding flips the conventional thinking that shareholders and top down
finance is the most beneficial means to stimulate productivity in economies to
stakeholders of the economic value in local economies.
Cloudfunding connects global users and communities economically
Free funding for SMEs CloudfundMe
CloudfundMe fills the void SMEs often find themselves in when looking for
funding to expand their business, traditionally relying on bank lending.

In recent years the crowdfunding phenomenon has provided startups with
early funding  -  and this is where CloudfundMe takes over to help startups
and established SMEs with funding to expand their markets.

With the majority of SMEs failing in the first two to five years, CloudfundMe
changes the dynamics by giving SMEs access to free funding.

Just as sellers can take advantage of the Queen Bee program, global users
can also build out their own portfolio of location units, with each unit held by
users gaining an equal share of a real time activity tax.

The connection between sellers and buyers meets when the user buys the
units in a location, that payment is directly paid to the active sellers located
in that local economy  -  this is where CloudfundMe gives SMEs the chance
to increase their cashflows and direct investment back into their businesses.

When the users make their purchase, they can select industries and even
businesses in those locations when deciding where their payments go  - 
this places businesses on notice in how a business is viewed on issues like
climate change, etc, generally having a good corporate citizen reputation.
Seller Inventory
  Want to be the first to 'kickstart' your local economy?

Cloudfunding Local Economic Model
SMEs can get in early to help establish the new local economies that will change
how the real economy works with economy to economy activity!

A Main St business can register their interest in starting their own local economy,
and gain from outsourcing their inventories and the advantage of CloudfundMe.

Business begin with a Queen Bee program to help establish their customer base
and their market  -  then as other businesses join in, it can exponentially multiply
the number of customers across the world for each business.

Instead of local SMEs being the collateral damage each time the economy turns
for the worse, SMEs can now navigate through the repetitious down-turns that
the financial system is stuck with using a debt based system.

Cloudfunding is structured so SMEs operate in an autonomous domain between
Supply and Demand, where they're the principle stimulators in the local economy,
where their inventories generate new capital flows between buyers and sellers,
eliminating intermediaries and rentier fees that're siphoned from local economies.

Sellers can track their inventory's progress in a Digital Sales Division in real time,
where they have access to a Business Account and Console.

There are no contacts, no control or hold over the inventory  -  what ties a seller
is the trust they have with local buyers when products and services are handed
over and when user payments liquidate sales so users can fund their accounts.
Expression of interest are open for SMEs, seller groups, shopping precincts and co-ops etc in the Queen Bee loyalty program.
    Want to know about FOMEZ? Know More    
buyers who can join together in buyer co-ops, families or individuals  -  everyone can benefit from cascading buying prices
      Know More  
  Users hold more power than they're credited
  Working from home isn't limited to big business directing their workers to
work from home, it's the new freelance work environment.

In Cloudfunding the global user is taken to a new level of inclusiveness by
having access to an environment that gives individuals the independence
to earn and help local economies, either by themselves or with a team.

It operates with three main actors, the seller, the buyer, and the global
crowd, who are OMMs, Open Market Makers who help create the markets
for businesses in local economies, where real productivity takes place.

Cloudfunding reverse-engineers the advertising model by tapping the
economic value in the local seller inventories, and distributing it to global
users as free working capital.

SMEs are primarily decentralized issuers of an intrinsic digital currency
that's tied, governed and validated back to genuine commodities ( local inventories ), and freely exchanged with other sovereign currencies from
foreign economies using a neutral and ubiquitous universally distributed
 -  a fully accountable modern day version of the gold standard.

The economic value is subliminally distributed to global users in micro-
values in a free app using deep tracking tech, with an Opt-in/out feature.

This free economic value is used in a democratic bidding type process that
monetizes seller inventories, and, validates it into spendable capital.
QwickBids        Events
Cloudfunding gives buyers a new experience
by digitizing traditional cash commerce
.  .  with PIFN!
Pay It Forward, Now!
.  .  giving buyers the advantage of cascading buying prices
Blue Dot     .  .  it gives SMEs guaranteed full selling prices and real time cash flows, without the costly payment services   Blue Dot    .  . it gives buyers the chance to buy products
        and services at prices they want to pay  -  with
        cascading buying prices
    read more   read more                
.  .  using a neutral and ubiquitous P2P universal capital
with no intermediaries, no merchant fees, listing fees, currency spreads or commissions, or any buyer payment fees or charges
  the era of the local economic stakeholder is here
OMM - Open Market Maker Local Demand offers users a simple on-ramp to join local SMEs in getting local
commerce stimulated with Cloudfunding.

From just a simple app, users can continually collect FEV and use it to set their
strategies for local and global SME inventories  -  users can set their account to
automatically operate passively in the background in specific countries, cities,
local economies, industries and businesses, or be hands-on.

Local users can be active as an OMM to help monetize local SME products and
services while still helping to drive global SMEs in their local economies.

Users benefit from sharing the global aggregate demand payments, which flows
back to users who can use it in commerce with SMEs in local economies.

Never have local users been able to get together and collectively drive local
productivity as they can with Cloudfunding  -  and then to have even greater
buying power with Price Demand's cascading buying prices.

There's so many ways that users can be proactive in their local economies with
Cloudfunding that it shifts users from local consumers to local stakeholders.

This new era of the economic equity stakeholders in local economies, is one
that will have a greater impact on local productivity than shareholders will ever
have in backing local companies.

As post COVID workforces move away from a labour intensive participation, the
focus now is for digital workforces to get established that offer a greater impact
on local economies  -  and close the gap that automation will continue to open
up as it takes over the old workloads.
Queen Bee brings economies of scale Queen Bee Loyalty Program
As with all businesses there's a constant drive for customer acquisition  - 
what the platform has is Queen Bee, an interconnected customer loyalty
and collaboration program that allows businesses to utilize their existing
customer base, and, take advantage of a much broader base of
customers from other global businesses, with the benefit of greater sales.

The platform is not a deposit taking institution ( ADI ), so it's able to take
advantage as an economic stimulator of local productivity to track and
index the productivity across local economies  -  allowing users to
become stakeholders in the economic equity in local economies.

This real time tracking of productivity in local economies forms a new
type of people power where individuals can operate independently to
help drive commercial activity in thousands of local economies through
being an OMM, an Open Market Maker.

This real time activity is dove-tailed into a universally distributed income
program that any global user can collect and build out a portfolio of
locations from around the world, earning from the activity wealth tax.

A major advantage of the Queen Bee program is the connection with the
global users  -  when a user adds to their own
UDI portfolio by buying
location units, those payments are directed to the active businesses
located in those locations.

This is where CloudfundMe gives SMEs the chance to increase their
cashflows and direct investment back into their businesses.
Cloudfunding - New Economic Flows
.  .  read more on the mechanics


If your business needs reliable sales and cashflows, then you need local demand!

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