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Connection for the remaining billions of people not on the Internet should be a 'must do' for the world to overcome, it will be much more important than the first billion.

The world needs the numbers more than any time in history to help increase global productivity and overcome inequality.

With the demographics in the developed countries shifting to an increase in the older generations, the focus should now be to connect the remaining billions in the developing countries where the numbers are in the more tech savvy younger generations.

By sheer size and the right model using economies of scale, the world's developing countries will become the driving force behind global productivity, all while adding huge economical value directly into their own local economies because of their actions.

eQconomy is laying down the economical structure for free advertising and Free Economic Value to overcome that 'next connection'.

The Outsourced Selling connection to the local Sellers, where the unconnected billions are located, can bridge that gap and in doing so bring the local economies closer to the global landscape that's currently being enjoyed by those already connected.

For there to be a meaningful step towards getting connection for the billions in many developing countries, the cost must be drastically lower than what's currently available.

Subscriptions and Plans that are already offered to the local community are able to be listed to Outsource the Selling for local Buyers to win or buy at a maximum of 10% of the full prices.

With connectivity being an important service for the expansion of the Internet, there's an option for Users to be able to transfer Ownership of QwickCall Deals that may have been purchased or won, not just locally but across the world,

- it's a 'time currency' where online time is transferred between families, friends or groups

- 'time currency' can only be transferred on the Platform for the same Buyer's Price 10% max or less.

There're many different types of Subscriptions available for access, all types are able to be listed at the full Selling Price for the Outsourced Selling to process to scale the Buying Prices down to affordable levels.

Local Sellers that use Outsourced Selling can be the outlets where the Subscriptions are redeemed or purchased, as well as continuing the productivity cycle that can only benefit local economies.

Local carriers can use Outsourced Selling to list any number of Subscription Deals for the Global Crowd to bid for, then have the Deals released in specific locations for the local Buyers to buy at the maximum 10% Buyers Prices.

Pricing by local carriers, like all Sellers on the eQconomy Platform, have a Global Price Index to adhere to to ensure prices remain Competitive in the Scalable Global Economy.

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Check out a Deal Registration and Cloudfund Strategy

See a Snap-Shot view of a Cloudfund strategy and bidding for Deals

Cloudfunding generates Price Demand  -  digitizes 'cash' to flow ubiquitously around the world

What's The Monetizing Moment?

Cloud Commerce operates by Outsourcing the Selling to the Crowd by Cloudfunding

How Sellers Outsource their Selling to the Crowd?


QwickP2P   'Pay it Forward, Now!' completes the sales activity for sellers!

As UDC is validated and exchanged in the New P2P Economy it permeates out into local economies!

see the connection of players that help achieve 'Productivity' :   Global Cloud Productivity

Wherever your Location is - you are not alone!

    Join the Crowd that's going to get it right - get updates about the coming launch!              
          Cloudfunding to Scale      l      Locations being funded      l      Want a local FastFill?    
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