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Compete for deals as Buying Prices cascade down  -  but beware of other Buyers!    

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Events now have real time ticket sales demand

Events happen everywhere and ticketing is a big part of it all.

Event Organizers now have a simple approach to finding demand for tickets to their events.

For Live Music Concerts at the local venues that need tickets to control the entry  -  QwickPass is ideal for releasing ticket quantities at intervals to control the access.

Tickets can be linked to drinks, snacks and meals as add-ons or as separate deals, there's no hassles with payments as it's locked in escrow until the patrons exchange the collection codes, and there's no problems with charge-backs as the payments are in real time, just like cash payments.

Theatre Operators that have Seasons of Plays can have a better control over the cost and quantity of tickets by having the Outsourced Selling process completed well in advance of the events and have the comfort of knowing the payments are held in escrow  -  then release the tickets to the local patrons when it's time, even have tickets held back for the last minute purchases.

All the ticketing process from listing the ticket quantity to the payment release is all free and this gives the Organizers a good head start to making the event a profitable project.

The Price Demand can bring excitement into events even before patrons turn up at the entry door  -  Organizers can release tickets to various locations or even use strategies by setting the demographics to suit what they want to achieve for the events.

Whether the Event is for entertainment or business QwickPass has the right ticketing options available  -  tickets can be listed by the Organizers or by purchasing the last minute sales with the Generic Deals that're pre-processed and ready to go  -  then it's just a matter of releasing the deals and recouping the cost when the Buyers compete with the normal Price Demand.

With QwickPass there's no need to start discounting tickets to get tickets sold, the Price Demand do that automatically when the Ticket Deals are Activated and automatically send out alerts to other Buyers  -  tickets are simultaneously released on desktop and mobile.

For patrons that want to buy tickets using QwickPass, the ticket Sellers can simply invite a Buyer directly from their Account sending an email that has a link to the Event  -  the Buyer can then hand over a cash payment in exchange for digital cash sufficient to add funds to their account and then proceed to Activate a Ticket Deal and try to Buy tickets at the price they want to pay.

The Buyer's competitiveness goes all the way down to the wire with a Buyer never knowing if they're successful until they see the Congratulations page of their purchase.

The success and profitability of an Event Operator doesn't finish with the last ticket being sold, it can go beyond that with the Operating Costs that are incurred behind the curtain to produce the Events.

QwickPics Images has an important role in getting the visual side of the events with more real time engagement to a broader number of people.

Price Demand

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