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        Cloudfunding to Scale                                           Disrupting finance with free working capital                                Global Digital Markets Vs Markets
The Global Digital 'Shift'

eQconomy outsources the selling component of Commerce  -  and brings a new dimension to buying and selling.

eQconomy shifts demand in Commerce from a single buyer to selling in mass  -  by outsourcing the selling

-  it's more economical than offshoring and manufacturing in mass  -  it's cheaper on price, with time advantage!

World trade has always focused on manufacturing in the cheapest way, even if that meant offshoring to get the products made

-  now there's a shift in the flow of world trade, making local manufacturing and commerce cheaper, with Comparative Advantage


By outsourcing the selling on a global scale using algorithmic economics  -  it tracks global micro trade value in real time

-  to produce and manufacture locally makes it more economical, it can have a profound effect on employment and have a much faster turn-around in orders with connections to local Supply Chains.

-  even if local manufacturing is not possible, any imported goods are still able to be processed in the same way by outsourcing the selling' to gain a greater incentive with lower buying prices for local customers.

eQconomy is built as an economic platform surrounded by commerce  -  the Supply and Demand of products and services around the world is now able to be changed  -  with the Supply side separated from the Demand side.

The ComTechX's eQconomy Platform is  -  Cloudfunding Global Commerce

eQconomy changes the mechanics of commerce to allow sellers to consistently receive their full 100% selling prices  -  while the platform applies the discounting dynamics so the buyers always have a buying price set at a maximum 20% of the seller's full price.

-  unlike Crowdfunding where the crowd pays the seller a percentage of products  -  with Cloudfunding the value of the seller's products and services is shared with the crowd as free working capital, continually helping to monetize the ubiquitous selling process.

The change of how markets will work comes with the change to how influence and value can cross borders to stimulate local economies by the initial actions of local Sellers applying free Direct Foreign Decentralized Capital  -  DFDC does the rest.

Global trade and business has always relied on getting finance from institutions  -  now every business can earn any amount of Free Economic Value to operate in local and global commerce with Cloudfunding for free  -  there's no fee to list or sell, no costs to send or receive payments

For sellers there's no advertising costs, with Cloudfunding the marketing and selling is all done within the process, all the seller needs to do is have sufficient supplies to list and be ready to give customer support when the products are sold.

-  it's a paradigm shift in how global trade will be conducted in the Digital Era.

This shift in commerce gives sellers a sustainable way to sell at full prices, just by listing products and services  -  once listed these items are outsourced for selling to a highly competitive Global Crowd

-  result of outsourcing the selling, is the incentive of deals with a 20% maximum buying price that a seller can offer local buyers.

With full selling prices set by sellers, the eQconomy platform can give Comparative Advantage to both sellers and buyers

-  with sellers getting 100% of their listed selling price even with the buying prices at a maximum 20% of a seller's full price.

eQconomy is changing commerce globally by shifting the 'outsourcing of manufacturing' to the outsourcing of selling

-  it rediscovers and saves local manufacturing from continued decline, as seen for several decades in developed countries.

For years globalization has been all about offshoring product manufacturing to the cheapest country

-  globalization is primarily based on price, change where the best prices can be found and it's a new paradigm.

What ComTechX's eQconomy has done is solve the problem of resorting to using cheap Labour Market elsewhere with offshoring, and flips it around  -  by making local manufacturing and retailing much cheaper than offshoring and importing from somewhere else.

By shifting the costs at the local level it generates enormous change to how productivity flows along the Supply Chains  -  with lower and more frequent ordering instead of mass shipments, because of the real time availability of local goods along the Supply Chains it makes the cost to produce and distribute lower, resulting in higher profits.

Any sector of the Supply Chains can gain from the shift with control of the selling prices being in the hands of the sellers and the benefits of lower buying prices being with the buyers, without it affecting the market pricing.

All this doesn't mean harming existing locations that need manufacturing to survive  -  the same economic model can just as easily work to help low income and developing countries with much lower local retail, manufacturing and living costs.

There's also a shift to digital finance for businesses and individuals operating in the new digital era, ComTechX is disrupting the finance industry by introducing Free Economic Value  -  it's available to anyone wanting free working capital for business or personal use.

For the business, the need to struggle with 30 to 90 day trading terms is eliminated, with all trade being processed in real time and in local currencies.

Sellers have the option to use   QwickP2P - Pay Here   to get the advantage and give buyers the benefits.

Check out a Deal Registration and Cloudfund Strategy

See a Snap-Shot view of a Cloudfund strategy and bidding for Deals

Cloudfunding generates Price Demand  -  digitizes 'cash' to flow ubiquitously around the world

What's The Monetizing Moment?

Cloud Commerce operates by Outsourcing the Selling to the Crowd by Cloudfunding

How Sellers Outsource their Selling to the Crowd?


QwickP2P   'Pay it Forward, Now!' completes the sales activity for sellers!

As UDC is validated and exchanged in the Digital Economy it permeates out into local economies!

see the connection of players that help achieve 'Productivity' :   Global Cloud Productivity

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